Thursday, March 10, 2011

Tigurius diorama wip shots and a Rune priest conversion.

I'm happy to say my chaplain has some bids on E-bay which has me relieved and motivated to try another mini out. I figure I can't go wrong making Sanguinary Priests because everyone has 3 of them, to change things up I chose to make a Rune Priest, something everyone also wants 3 of.

I also made a chooser of the slain marker to add to the package. The axe is from the Wolfguard terminators box, other than that all the other pieces came out of the grey hunters box. I added the psychic hood by following the tutorial found on from the warp.
Simple and effective, nothing too fancy on this conversion but I think it does the job and once painted will blend right in.

My Diretroll Blitzer is nearly complete as well. I've placed him on my 99% done shelf next to the other entries. I'm still waiting on some supplies I ordered from coolminiornot feb11th...come on guys I need that grass to complete my projects.
So with the Troll taking a break so I can look at him with a fresh set of eyes I've turned my attention to my final entry, or at least the only one I'll have time enough to finish. 

That's all for now, I'm going to see if I can't bust out a Rune Priest in the next day and a half :)

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Dire Troll Blitzer Work in progress

I've been at this guy for a couple days now. He's finally getting to a decent looking point, I've established a solid basecoat on the skin using various mixtures of blues all based around shadow grey. Space wolves grey, regal blue, liche purple, white, and a 50/50 wash of asurmen blue to devlan mud.

I took a picture here to show the gradation.

I started the browns at the Chimera on sunday while Mike and John got to grips with some Warmachine/Hordes mayhem. Our buddy Adam stopped by as well ( Adam along with brother John and I have a bit of a secret project that's about to come to fruition in the coming weeks but more on that later. We'll be having a coke party with him and Eric at Adepticon... The browns are coming along nicely. I'm slightly cautious that this model may come out with too many dark browns and lack enough warm tones to create the contrast I want. We'll see at the end, I plan on adding plenty of scars and cuts to add some red as well as painting some light sourcing from the barrel of the minigun.

He still needs a lot of work, tomorrow I should be able to get the skin and teeth/nails finished off and getting the metals closer to where I want them.

In other news I bid farewell to a lady who shared my room with me for a short 2 weeks, goodbye Lelith. A buyer on Ebay contacted me wondering if I planned on re-listing her and offered to buy her straight away. Deal, she'll be hopping in the mail tomorrow where she'll be calling Indianna, nicknamed  "The Crossroads of America", her home. Farewell little Wych.

Now if my Chaplain would sell on Ebay.

Since he didn't sell the last time I've decided to add some extra lovin' to my baalin' baby boy. We'll see how Chaplain 2.0 goes. Well I mean I'll be watching and trying to make money.

Friday, March 4, 2011

At the Gates

I have much to do over the next 2 weeks to prepare for Adepticon. I say 2 weeks because my band is going on a 10 day tour march 18th through the 28th, which cuts into my painting time. So I basically have 2 weeks to finish 2 projects. But also I have to record 3 songs, finish the artwork for our new record and make some extra cash by doing a few tattoos. Much to do. As I see it I am at the gates, there are two paths.

One leads to success...oh I have no picture for that. 
One leads to fishhead stew.

Why yes I did go for a walk today.

Here are the 2 projects which are underway. One is for the duel category. This is the first diorama I've ever made. It's been fun and I enjoyed the massive amount of sculpting it has taken

The other is for the fantasy large category. It's also my first warmachine/hordes model. Very cool. So far I have the base done minus all the foliage I plan on adding. 

I'm very happy with how it came out. It started with a spurt of creativity. I had a few beers and started wet blending all over the thing. Later I went back and sealed the deal. This is probably my favorite base I've made so far. Those ruins from Scibor are fantastic. 

Here's the big lug I'll be mounting on the base after I paint a few hard to reach areas.

Well my friends, that's all I have for now. I'll keep you posted and wish me luck!

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Re-shoot: Lelith Hesperax

Just a quickie this time. After staring at the photos I posted of Lelith I was disappointed that you couldn't see all the white dots on her. Mainly her booty, and as connoisseur of that subject I simply could not let the old photos stand. And also because if all goes well she'll be auctioned off on E-bay and all I'll have left is are some regrettable photos. So I took another crack at it.

And the Coolmini link

That's all for now, I'll have some goodies up soon though.