Wednesday, November 26, 2014

Space Hulk WIP Part 3

With a busy weekend behind me I got the terminators straight away. I'm going to wait until the whole project is finished to take pictures with the light box so it's going to be desk shots for a while. So until then here's a shot of the genestealer horde an inch from the finish line :)

And here they are, doing the back and forth dance so familiar to batch painting.

Thursday, November 20, 2014

Space Hulk WIP part Two

Yesterday was all about the airbrush. Long hours of mixing and washing and spraying and trying not to inhale the whole mess. I've always wanted to paint my set of Space Hulk in a Lamentors theme and having the artistic freedom to choose, I thought I'd paint my dream version and then give it away never to be seen again. The bittersweet transfer of goods and services goes on..

Then it was time to lay down the basecoats and washes. I decided to tackle the genestealer half first.

Then I decided to take a break and enjoy a smoothie. It's the healthiest way to slam vodka this side of the Mississippi. 

Next Up I'll have the finished Broodlord and co.

Wednesday, November 19, 2014

Space Hulk WIP

Yesterday I finished the trimming and figured out how the hell I was going to base the Terminators. Finally, after four hours of prep work, I can start painting this set. And what a beauty she is..

After all the trimming and scraping of Space Hulk you'd think I had enough. Well, I'm a sick bastard and couldn't put down the knife. One nine o clock cup of coffee later, I had this set of minis and their accompanying bases laying in front of me :)

Monday, November 17, 2014

Let the cold in

Yes little Wulfen, as the first snowfall remains frozen on the ground you can be sure winter is officially starting. Over the last cold dark week I've been feverishly working out one of many entries for next year's competitions. More on that later. Here's this weeks mission at moment zero.

Spaaaaaaaaaaaaace Huuuuuuuuuuulk! 

I'll leave off with a parting shot from last weeks project as well as many projects. Productive people don't have clean workspaces :)

Friday, November 7, 2014

Finished! Warmaster Horus Lupercal

Hot off the brushes, Big Poppa Pump himself. Horus, what have you started?

I decided to take a slightly different tilt with his color scheme. Super fun to paint and I got to try some non metallic techniques I've been wanting to try. Here's the result after 12 hours of creative juices.

Rock the vote right Here.

P.s. this model is huge. Well, except for his head. He's about as tall as a dreadnought off his base. Such a big little traitorous son.