Friday, September 2, 2011

Diorama re-shoot

My feelings from the last post were seconded by anonymous comments on the internet. What other choice do I have? I re-shot "The Center of the Hive" last night. this time I tried for some more dramatic angles. 

I've also begun the slow method of painting my Dark Eldar Combat Patrol. I have big plans for my DE army and it's good to get a start of some sort. Tomorrow I should find time to prime everything.

Slow and steady ;)
I actually have a start that's not pictured, there's a five man warrior squad not pictured. I'll have proper pictures sooner than later as they're the squad that won silver at this year's US Gamesday.

Tomorrow's painting schedule should show some finished commissions. The first group is the commissions I received from Armorcast. I have a start on two and I plan on finishing them tomorrow.

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